7 min.
Brazil nuts
’64 TURBO FUSCA The man behind this insane build is Paulo Moraes, a 36-year-old construction business owner from Sorocaba, São Paulo. With thanks to his good friend, Ataide Junior Pressendo, who stepped up to help with translation, we were able to get the scoop on how this project came about.
Together with his dad, Roberto, and brother, Rafael, Paulo is well known in his home country of Brazil for building crazy low Volkswagens. You can find out more about their builds on their Instagram page, @irmaostudao.Irmãos tudão, incidentally, directly translates as brothers in everything, but the boys prefer to explain it as brothers riding low. Very low.
The idea for this low rider was hatched in 2017.
”We didn’t wait around for long,” laughs Paulo. “We were set from the…