Viz (Digital)

Viz (Digital)

1 Issue, October 2024

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THE Queen Mum will not be the first person to come back from the dead – the internet is full of news of people who the world believed to have died, but were actually still alive. Here, Fortean Times editor TIM FOILHAT gives us the rundown on a selection of famous individuals who are actually still alive! Elvis Presley THE KING of Pop is supposed to have ‘died’ in 1977, but all right thinking people agree this ‘fact’ is up for debate. Nobody has been able to explain photographs of Presley lying in state showing his skin glowing, almost as if it were a wax dummy in the casket. Neither have they been able to explain why a life insurance policy taken out with Lloyds was never cashed in, which…
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Viz (Digital) - 1 Issue, October 2024

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