Viz (Digital)

Viz (Digital)

1 Issue, November 2022

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An Update of Britain’s Favourite Lexicon of Filth and Profanity
ROGER’S PROFANISAURUS abandon ship v. To leave a long, wide ever given turd in the shitpot without flushing. See also King Canute, Nemo’s boot, panjammer, crowd pleaser, plumber’s bonus. alternative milk 1. n. What ethical modern hipsters add to their hot drinks; gritty liquids made from ground mung bean husks and the like. 2. n. What Piers Morgan typically drinks in his tea. A caterer’s tribute. and/orgasm n. A questionable fanny bomb. ‘How was it for you, darling?’ ‘A bit of an and/orgasm, if I’m honest, Lord Archer. Anyway, can I have my two grand in a brown envelope now?’’ benchmark n. Stigmata on a Harold Ramp’s arse after he has sat in the park for an extended period. bobber fret n. When in somebody else’s house, the blind panic and rising anxiety felt…
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Viz (Digital) - 1 Issue, November 2022

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