Viz (Digital)

Viz (Digital)

1 Issue, June/July 2024

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Why tragic OJ’s death marks the end of an era
WHEN the news came through that the sporstman, actor, not-murderer and armed robber OJ Simpson had tragically passed away at the age of (subs fil this in), I wept. Bitter tears of grief, anguish and disdain poured from my eyes like a tidal wave of agony, anguish and torment as I struggled to come to terms with my loss. And I didn’t just weep once. I done it 4 times. Once for each of all the different OJ Simpsons whom had tragically passed away at the age of (same number here). For there was many numerous facets to this floored icon of our age. I tearfully lamented for OJ Simpson the sportsman, the (subs fill in i think he done amercian football or basball or the one on skates id’ look…
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Viz (Digital) - 1 Issue, June/July 2024

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