Viz (Digital)

Viz (Digital)

1 Issue, August 2023


WHEN packing for a holiday, put a few heavy items that you won’t need, such as housebricks, in the suitcase. Then, if you find your luggage is overweight at the checkin desk, you can simply remove as many of the bricks as required to get below that magic 45kg limit. Howitt, Bedford CAN’T be bothered to vacuum, but want to make it look like you did? Simply drag the unplugged hoover over all your rugs and carpets to leave streaks for all to see. Jackie Turner, Eastbourne GET revenge on jelly fish by simply touching them with a 9v battery. John Owens, Glasgow. ENERGY companies. Don’t write simple exceptions into the code of your billing software. You never know, one of those pensioners who gets a so-obviously erroneous bill for…
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Viz (Digital) - 1 Issue, August 2023

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