The Week Junior (Digital)

The Week Junior (Digital)

1 Issue, 346

How to pick your next book

How to pick your next book
Holly King-Mand, widely known as the nation’s favourite English teacher, taught thousands of children online during the pandemic and has become an expert in making online classes fascinating and fun. She loves books, creative writing, libraries and vocabulary. Parents can find out more about Holly’s live and interactive classes at Summer is here! It’s a season that often means less time studying and more time to dive into a great book and get lost in another world – but where do you start? Libraries hold so many books that choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. Here are some tips to narrow your search and pick a great read. 1 Challenge yourself Reading something comfortable might be your “go-to” when it comes to picking a book, but challenging yourself…
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The Week Junior (Digital) - 1 Issue, 346

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