About The Thyroid Cure
The thyroid gland may be tiny but it has an outsize effect on every system of the body from brain function to reproductive health. One of its most important duties is regulating metabolism—the body’s inner “engine”—and this is where things can go off the rails leading to weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, infertility, heart problems and more. Many in America have some sort of thyroid problem and one in eight women will have a thyroid disorder during their lifetime. Yet more than half of these people don’t realize their thyroid is malfunctioning; they just know their body isn’t working like it used to. This issue will explain how this powerful gland works, the foods and supplements that can help keep the thyroid healthy, lifestyle changes that can ward off or reduce weight gain, and the autoimmune connection behind most cases of hypo- and hyperthyroidism. In addition, the issue will explore why thyroid cancer appears to be on the rise and explain the steps people can take to keep their thyroid in balance and reduce inflammation so they can get back to feeling their best. Just about every ailment people have from weight gain to tiredness can be traced back to the thyroid. We reveal how to take back control of your metabolism.
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