3 min.
Spider’s mailbox
Dear Everybuggy,
Spider! In the March 2021 issue, you got all those babies. How are they doing? What are their names?
Miro, I think you should adopt Sausage the salamander. He will eat anything fried. Watch out for his tail. It has a stinger! Also, he can cook.
Ruby, age 7 Fayetteville, Arkansas
The spiderlings are growing fast. They’re having a blast at Tarantula Jack’s ranch. Their names are Lil’ Tex, Smoky, Rusty, Dusty, Bucky Buckaroo, Calamity Cody, Wild Wade—Wait! If I name them all, there will be no room left for anything else in this magazine.
Hi, Everybuggy!
This is my first time sending mail to you! Thistle, can you adopt Ginger the gingerbread cow? Ophelia, my favorite book is Harry Potter.
Nora Robinson, age 8 New…