3 min.
Spider’s mailbox
Dear Ophelia,
Please accept Flame and Forest. Flame is a dragon. Forest is a butterfly.
Evie, age 6
Encinitas, California P.S. They love eating stars.
Dear Sam,
What’s your fave animal? Mine’s a fennec fox. I thought you would like to adopt Tilly the butterfly. BTW, my sis loves your mags. Jasmine, age 10 Custer, South Dakota
Dear Jasmine,
Fennec foxes have fantastic ears. Jackrabbits, one of my favorite animals, have giant ears, too. Did you know jackrabbits aren’t really rabbits? They’re hares. Thanks for Tilly.
Your friend,
Dear Araña,
I am learning Spanish, and I know that araña means spider.
Erin C. B., age 7
San Francisco, California Dear Spider,
I want to tell you two things. I love music. I play the piano. I am playing my…