Spider Magazine Stories, Games, Activites And Puzzles For Children And Kids (Digital)

Spider Magazine Stories, Games, Activites And Puzzles For Children And Kids (Digital)

1 Issue, February 2024

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Ali’s Olive Jar

Ali’s Olive Jar
LONG AGO IN Turkey, a man named Ali lived with his wife, Noura. They were not wealthy, but they had managed to save a good amount of gold before they grew old. “Why don’t we spend some of our money on a pilgrimage to Mecca?” Noura asked one day. “Mecca is many, many miles away. We’d have to ride across deserts on camels. It’d be a hard, slow journey . . . but I’ve wished all my life to go there,” Ali answered thoughtfully. “We could take the gold we’d need and leave the rest with my friend Farouk for safekeeping. That way, we’ll have enough to live on when we return.” “Why don’t we bury the gold somewhere?” Noura asked. “So someone could dig it up? No, it’d be…
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Spider Magazine Stories, Games, Activites And Puzzles For Children And Kids (Digital) - 1 Issue, February 2024

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