5 min.
Spider's corner
Grace W., age 6 Muncie, Indiana I am a quilt as happy as can be. There is no other quilt that’s exactly like me.
David W., age 6 Champaign, Illinois Monkey and QuiltOnce a monkey tried To fly in the air, But he fell so fast That he did not dare. He used a quilt as a parachute, And off he went with a blast.
Valerie, age 11Palm Beach Gardens, FloridaStripes,Spots,Plaid,Hearts,Squiggles,Zigzags,Floral.Grandma quiltsby the fireplace.
Kayra Ashton, age 9 Santa Barbara, California
My Quilt GuiltI once sewed a quilt. This was because of some juice I spilt All over my mother’s favorite blanket.
Isabel Susan Rajan, age 7 Avon, Ohio My quilt is a lovely red. I use it when I sleep in bed. It keeps me warm and comfy,…