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Shape Singapore (Digital)

1 Issue, November 2018

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They are among the largest muscles in the body, but we sit on them for too many hours, and most of us starve them of enough movement. Here, the science of how to get your butt in gear.
BREAK THE SIT CYCLE Singapore office workers spend an average of seven hours a day sitting at their desks, according to a study conducted by the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health and NUS Business School. “Sitting is the killer for glutes,” says Michele Olson, an exercise scientist at Huntingdon College in Alabama. “For hours on end, those muscles can be totally unengaged.” That also means glutes are doing overtime in a lengthened position – not good for such stabilising muscles. Standing helps, Michele says: The gluteus maximus plays a key role in keeping us upright, so get up to wake it. MIND YOUR STEP DEFICIT “We rely on our glutes to walk, but we don’t do enough walking,” Michele says. A recent Stanford University study found that Singaporeans average 5,674…
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Shape Singapore (Digital) - 1 Issue, November 2018

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