Reader's Digest Chinese Edition 讀者文摘中文版 (Digital)

Reader's Digest Chinese Edition 讀者文摘中文版 (Digital)

1 Issue, December / January 2025


你要先相信自己、愛自己,別人才能愛你。/YOU NEED TO TRUST YOURSELF AND LOVE YOURSELF BEFORE OTHERS CAN LOVE YOU.藝人與節目主持人 林茜茜 時間過得如此之快, 真是令人驚恐。/It’s pretty scary to know how quickly time flies.導演 溫子仁 We excuse our sloth under the pretext of difficulty./我們以困難為藉口,來原諒自己的懶惰。羅馬哲學家 Quintilian 大家都說:「你一定很擅於說謊。」不, 其實我說的是真話,只不過是別人內心的真話。如果我看起來在說謊, 那就表示我沒把自己的工作做好。/EVERYBODY IS ALWAYS LIKE, ‘YOU MUST BE A REALLY GOOD LIAR,’ AND NO, I’M ACTUALLY A TRUTH TELLER, AND I’M TELLING SOMEONE ELSE’S TRUTH. IF I’M LYING, THEN I’M NOT DOING MY JOB CORRECTLY.演員 Sydney Sweeney…
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Reader's Digest Chinese Edition 讀者文摘中文版 (Digital) - 1 Issue, December / January 2025

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