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Ok! (Digital)

Ok! (Digital)

1 Issue, April 11, 2022

What’s in Your Stars?

What’s in Your Stars?
Aries (March 21–April 19) Mercury’s migrated to Taurus and you’re suddenly sans filter. It’s great the Sun (identity) is still in your sign, but ruler Mars can make whatever thoughts pass through your brain go straight to your lips! Taurus (April 20–May 20) You’re not only sextile with ruler Venus in Pisces, but Mercury moved to your sign, enhancing your communication skills. You’ll need them to talk your way out of a possible squabble with an Aquarius or Leo. Gemini (May 21–June 21) A square with Venus (love), Neptune (ideals) and Jupiter (luck) in Pisces is a real downer. Your compatibility with Pisces is extremely low. Don’t expect it to be any better with anyone else in this transit. Cancer (June 22–July 22) Cancerian order is restored now that Mercury has moved out of its square, leaving you free to enjoy…
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Ok! (Digital) - 1 Issue, April 11, 2022

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