3 min.
Confirm all information with show promoter before traveling. The time, dates, and/or location may have changed!
June 25-26, OK, Chickasha. Heartland Militaria Show. Grady County Fairgrounds, 500 E. Choctaw Ave. Info: Matt, Hindi, 405.503.3665; www.heartlandmilitariashow.com
July 6, IN, Newburgh. 1st Wednesday Military Collector Swap & Sale, American Legion, 711 State St. Info:Neil @ 812 483 3064; www.evvmilitarycollectors.com
July 9, FL, Mt Dora. Military Collectors show, Renninger’s Antique Center 20651 US 441, 9am-4pm. Info John 407-376- 2614. Greg 407-462-2163 qed4@aol.com
July 9-10, PA, Allentown. Forks of the Delaware Historical Antique & Modern Arms Show, Agricultural Hall, 17th St. & Chew St. Info: Forks of the Delaware, 2060 Northampton St., Unit 1, Easton, PA 18042; 610-438-9006; www.allentownshow.net
July 15-16, GA, Marietta. Atlanta Antique Gun and International Military Show. IAMAW Local 709 Union Hall, 1032 S. Marietta…