2 min.
The publishers would like to thank the following sources for their kind permission to reproduce the pictures in this book.
Key: t=Top, b=Bottom, c=Center, l=Left and r=Right
Annoushka Jewellery: 118cr (Pearl earring drops)
Anya Hindmarch: 38r
Bear Holding Ltd: 71
Beulah London:www.beulahlondon.com: 127
Catherine Zoraida:www.catherinezoraida.com: 130r (“Spread Your Wings” gold bracelet)
Corbis: Mike Nelson/epa: 7
Images Courtesy East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices: 79t, 79b, (Bracelet: The EACH Bracelet, exclusively designed by Imogen Sheeran, is available online at http://www.each.org. uk/support-us/online-store/product/each-bracelet)
Emmy Shoes:www.emmyshoes.co.uk: 83r
Getty Images: 1, 4, 9, 10, 11, 15, 24l, 24r, 29br, 33br, 34, 47, 48t, 51r, 52, 65b, 66, 67, 94, 95l, 96, 98, 100, 101r, 102, 103, 110, 111tr, 117b, 117b, 133, 134r, 135, 136, 137, 144, 144b, 148, 149, 150tr, 150bl, 150br, 153, 160bl, 2011 100 Women In Hedge Funds: 80, 2012 Indigo: 88t, AFP: 14, 23tl,…