The spirit that enabled Forbes to become the global icon it is today was exemplified by the career of Ruth Gruenberg, who worked here for 38 years (1954-92) and recently died at age 98. After she put herself through NYU at a time when relatively few women attended college, she came to work at Forbes magazine. She rose to become Senior Editor, where her achievements were substantial. She instituted a staff of proofreaders and fact-checkers who painstakingly read through every story for grammar, sense and accuracy. Forbes' fact-checking became renowned throughout the industry; our hard-hitting stories withstood countless angry attacks as well as threatened and actual lawsuits whose purpose was intimidation.
Ruth mentored numerous budding journalists. She became my father's editor and remained so until his death in 1990, whereupon she became mine until her retirement two years later. We both benefited enormously from her i...