2 min.
‘Pangaker beat own daughter paralysed’
ALLEGED child killer Mohydian Pangaker is accused of viciously attacking his own daughter and leaving her paralysed before fleeing to Cape Town.
This was revealed at the Western Cape High Court this week as the man accused of raping and murdering eight-year-old Tazne van Wyk returned for his ongoing trial.
Pangaker, 56, faces 20 charges including rape, murder, sexual assault, kidnapping and defeating the ends of justice dating back to 2016.
He is accused of the kidnap, rape and murder of the Ravensmead girl in February 2019.
He also faces a charge of incest for fathering a child with his biological daughter who is currently testifying against him.
Her testimony was held in camera, but state prosecutor Advocate Lenro Badenhorst, revealed that just two months before Tazne was killed,…