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Daily Record (Digital)

1 Issue, March 18, 2025

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Diomande: Boss Barry is 'amazing'

Diomande: Boss Barry is 'amazing'
The midfielder admitted he doesn't know if the caretaker gaffer will land the gig beyond the incoming American revolution over this summer.
But Diomande has no doubt Ferguson rallied his troops to produce a lung-busting display to claim a first Celtic Park win in five years just days after their gruelling Europa League heroics against Fenerbahce.
New supremo-in-waiting Andrew Cavenagh was in the Parkhead stands to witness the dramatic 3-2 victory against the Hoops.
It remains to be seen whether Cavenagh and his San Francisco 49ers backers will hand Fergie the full-time role.
But Diomande is convinced the stand-in manager has made an incredible impact.
He said: "You can see how amazing it is. He went there and brought the tactics and we got the win.
"He is really pushing the players and he's an example that we followed.
"We know all about what he did for Rangers and what he can bring to the club.
"We use him as an example. I don't know what's going to happe...
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Daily Record (Digital) - 1 Issue, March 18, 2025

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