Some of the club's “ultras” supporters were denied entry to Parkhead for Sunday's derby.
A statement from Police Scotland yesterday revealed 90 supporters were turned away from the clash with Rangers after refusing to be searched.
Most of the group were reported to prosecutors.
Officers added the searches were “undertaken proportionately”, in line with special powers granted to them to stop fans who they felt were under “reasonable suspicion” of committing a crime.
But the supporters have now responded, saying: “Yesterday, there was a premeditated attack channels (Celtic Football Club) as is often the case.
“At 10.45am, we attempted to depart for the stadium. At this point, around 200 people were kettled on the road.
“We were told we were being held until all away supporters had entered the stadium and would then be moved along.
“After around one hour, the police informed us that we had been detained under section 60 of the Public Order Act. The reason given was that people were concealing their identity despite the fact most people were not wearing masks.”
Police Scotland referred the Record to an earlier comment in which Chief Supt Stevie Dolan said: “Our priority will always be the safety of fa...