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Daily Record (Digital)

1 Issue, March 18, 2025

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Why I've never looked for my birth father...

Why I've never looked for my birth father...
LOUISE Redknapp says the only reason she never tried to find her biological father is she feared it would hurt her mum and stepdad's feelings.
The singer, 50, was raised by her mother and stepfather, Lynne and Tim Nurding.
He already had two young sons from a previous relationship and all five came together in a happy new family.
Mother-of-two Louise said: "The minute my mum met my stepdad and they had two boys, I actually thought, 'I'm happy with my lot'."
She said of wondering about her birth father: "It was only as I got older and had kids, that I thought, 'there is somebody out there that I could actually be walking down the street next to and I wouldn't know".
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But explaining why she never followed up that curiosity with a search, Louise said: "I had such a loyalty to my mum and my dad - he's my stepdad but I call him my dad.
"My loyalty to them outweighed looking for somebody that I don't know.
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Daily Record (Digital) - 1 Issue, March 18, 2025

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