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Daily Record (Digital)

1 Issue, March 17, 2025

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Falkirk opened up an eight-point lead at the top with a thumping of Queen's Park, a win which ended the 14-month reign of Spiders boss Callum Davidson.
For Bairns, the victory seems significant in their hunt for back-to-back titles as both Ayr and Livingson lost crucial ground with just seven games left to play.
But frontman Oliver, 29, did his best to box clever when asked if promotion is now in the bag.
He said: "The gaffer has drilled into us that we need to look after ourselves. If we do, we'll finish on top.
"We know how to win a league. This squad is pretty much the same as last year. We know what the pressure is like in the final games of the season.
"We need to focus on ourselves and as we showed at Hampden - if we play like that, we're a match for anyone in the league.
"The thought of getting into the Premiership is unbelievable. Back-to-back promotions are something you dream of as a player.
"We are so close. We need to keep on doing what we are doing. If we aren't complacent, then I'm sure we will be fine."
As John McGlynn's side were dismantling Queen's and sealing Davidson's fate, news of Ayr's defeat at Firhill and Livi's draw at Airdrie filtered through.
With it, came a sense of fait accompli for the destination of the title.
A dubious offside flag had denied Falkirk an opener and skipper Brad Spencer took a horrid penalty.
Liam Henderson headed home moments before half-time and Bairns ran riot after the break with Oliver, Calvin Miller and Tom Lang all on target.
The dropping of points by Falkirk's two rivals was the icing on the cake but Oliver added: "We always focus on ourselves. In the dressing room after the game, the boys weren't too bothered when we heard what the other teams had done.
"But it's obviously a good thing when your rivals drop some points.
"Everyone you play in this league has something on the line, whether it is promotion play-offs or relegation play-offs.
"Everyone is fighting for something and it's hard...
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Daily Record (Digital) - 1 Issue, March 17, 2025

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