England and Ireland are both looking to Gregor Townsend's men to pull off a shock in the Stade de France so one of them could snatch the Six Nations title from France's grasp.
Russell revealed he and team-mate Blair Kinghorn have been sent messages about the Scots playing kingmakers, depending on how England and Ireland get on earlier in the day.
But the co-captain vowed they are only focused on winning for themselves and the Scotland fans to round off a disappointing campaign on a high.
The Bath star said: "I think it'll be a different occasion for us being the last game.
"Depending on the result here, we could change the outcome of the tournament.
"Blair had a couple of the Toulouse boys messaging him and I've had (England player) Ollie Lawrence messaging me yesterday too.
"I'd imagine we will get a few more messages today from the English boys, maybe the Irish boys too, whoever knows them.
"So, I suppose it's good fun. Everyone's rooting for each other towards the end. And I suppose it shows how exciting a tournament it is that three teams can win at the end.
"But we have to do it for ourselves first and foremost.
"We definitely have a point to prove and we've still got a lot to play for.
"Not to win the tournament, I suppose, but I think for us as a group, we've got to show our character and show how we can bounce back from a good win last weekend but a poor last 30 minutes.
"So I think we've got a lot to prove this weekend.
"It being the last game of the tournament is probably good. We know what results have happened before us, we know what we need to get fr...