DiscountLock Benefits
At, we believe in offering more than just magazine subscriptions; we aim to provide a seamless and rewarding experience. Our DiscountLock program ensures consistent savings and uninterrupted access to your favorite reads. Explore below to discover how DiscountLock elevates your subscription.
Guaranteed Savings
DiscountLock ensures that your subscription will automatically renew with a minimum discount of 10% off the list price at the time of each renewal. If for any reason we cannot offer this discount, we will notify you and won't automatically renew your subscription.
If your magazine is discontinued or otherwise becomes unavailable, we’ll automatically provide you with a subscription to a similar magazine that is of equal or greater value, at the same or better price (after the 10% minimum discount). We’ll send you a notice of the substitution and if you don’t want the substitute magazine, you can cancel any time before the date your DiscountLock renewal is processed.
Don't Miss an Issue
With DiscountLock, your renewal is processed before the end of your order term, ensuring that you don't miss any issues.
Email Reminders
Stay informed at every step. We'll send you an initial reminder 30 days prior to your subscription renewal. Then, 7 days before the renewal, we'll provide a follow-up email detailing the exact amount you will be charged, giving you ample opportunity to make any necessary adjustments.
Cancel at Any Time
No strings attached. You can log in to your account at any time to disable DiscountLock.
Unique Benefits Comparison
DiscountMags | | | Publisher | |
Price | Guarantees a minimum of 10% discount at renewal | May renew at a higher price with no minimum discount | No longer offers magazine subscriptions | May renew at a higher price with no minimum discount |
Cancellation | Easy online cancellation | Easy online cancellation | No longer offers magazine subscriptions | Varies |